sixteen before sixteen

I saw over on Megan's blog that she did a thing called "fifteen before fifteen". The goal is that you make fifteen goals to achieve before your fifteenth birthday. Or fourteen goals before your fourteenth, or in my case, sixteen goals before my sixteenth birthday, since that's approximately 348 days away.
So. Without more of my insane rambling, here are my sixteen goal.

  1. Launch an Etsy shop
  2. Sell 10 items
  3. Keep track of *all* of my income and expenses for the year
  4. Read 5 Old Testament books
  5. Read 10 classics
  6. Attempt to glorify God in my every thought and action
  7. Participate in NaNoWriMo 2013
  8. Do my best to let ALL of my writing glorify God
  9. Publish my first novel
  10. Redecorate my bedroom
  11. Sell three blog designs
  12. Memorize 3 Psalms
  13. Finish my freshman year with straight A's
  14. Improve my portrait photography skills
  15. Buy a DSLR
  16. Write at least two short stories


{p.s. thoughts on the design?}