365 days of writing + bits'n'pieces

About a week ago, I had the thought that one of my new year's goals should be to write everyday. Then I completely forgot about it. Then I saw today on Katie's blog that's she's planning to do the same thing. So now I'm officially doing this. I usually write everyday in my journal, but I'd like to focus more on story-writing this year. Are any of you going to try it?
Anyway, I thought that this would be a super short post if that was all I wrote about, so here's some bits'n'pieces of my latest writings. Enjoy!
"At thirteen, I was expected to become a woman, leave everything I'd known behind to marry a man three times my age, and run a huge household." ~Whispers of Hope
"The light that filtered through my curtain seemed odd somehow. Pale, and eery, somewhat like the early morning light as the sun rose higher and higher above the horizon, yet different. My bare feet crossed the cold floor, and I pushed aside the curtain to see outside. A gasp fluttered from my mouth as I took in the scene outside. All I saw was snow, blowing snow, which made the house feel cold and alone, but at the same time warm and comforting." ~A Broken World
"Mother had warned me several times not to listen to Uncle Isaiah. But for some reason, his words filled my heart with hope. On that day, the day I defied Mother for the first time and listened to Isaiah's words, a whisper of hope wound its way through my chest. Someday, I'd thought, he'll come for me. He'll save me from my life of misery. He'll bring peace to my life." ~Whispers of Hope
"Joseph and Mary's son? The son of God? That isn't possible! Yet something inside me wanted to believe the story. Does this Jesus bring peace?" ~Whispers of Hope