I am not perfect.

        Monday night, at a young group supper, several of the girls (including me) had a discussion about blogs. Several of them didn't even read blogs, because they felt that blog posts are usually more like 'boasts'. Others felt that the authors of most blogs have lives that seem perfect, and can make us discontent with our lives. And you know what? I had to agree with that. So many blogs these days just seem so perfect. The authors have seemingly perfect lives, and that makes me discontent sometimes. If only I had a DSLR. If only my design was prettier. If only I had more followers. I want this. I want that. And so on and so forth!
        Then I stopped to examine myself. And I realized that my posts typically make me/my life seem far too perfect. So I'm writing this post to apologize and confess a few faults that I feel convicted to share.

  • I struggle with contentment. 
  • I don't always treat my parents/siblings the way I should.
  • I spend far too much time on the internet.
And there's more, too, but I won't bore you with all those. Anyway, my point is:
I'm NOT perfect.
Please do NOT feel discouraged if you're reading my blog and thinking you're imperfect. True, no one is really perfect, but I'm not perfect either and I don't want to make any of you think that my life is anywhere close to ideal. Just like anyone else, I have things in my life that I really need to work on--with God's help, of course.
Really--I'm not perfect.