inner beauty

Why is it so hard for girls to be content with the way they look? It seems like these days, girls spend far too much time in front of a mirror, and too much money on clothes/makeup to make them look better. Do you know what God has to be thinking? And this is something that I've seen in the blogging world, too. So many girls try to make their blogs into carbon copies of the popular blogs--just because *they* want to be popular and have 300 followers. I'm tired of stumbling across blog after blog after blog that are all alike, girls all trying to imitate each other just so they can be popular. I think that if every girl blogged the way she really wanted to, they'd soon find that they'd gain much more from the blogging experience. I'll be the first one to admit that I struggle with this. Yes, I'd love to have 300 followers. But what on earth would I do with them all? To be honest, I really like having *only* 56 followers. Ladies, that's 56 wonderful people that (hopefully) read what I write. My goal in blogging is to somehow glorify God and help others in the process. So if one--or even two--people leave my blog feeling encouraged, my mission has been accomplished. Why can we not be content with what we have?
Another struggle of mine is thinking about my clothes far too much. If I'd just accept the fact that God made me the way I am, I wouldn't worry nearly as much about what I'm wearing!
So with that, I'd like to encourage anyone else who struggles with this to ask God for help. And know that you're not alone in this.

"Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord shall be praised." ~Proverbs 32:30