back to school, back to routine.

We're starting school a week from today. And yes, I'm ready--actually, rather excited about it! I think it's because when I start school again, I re-establish a routine. Over the summer, it feels like I don't have that routine, like my life is just lost.

So what have I been doing lately? Obviously not blogging. :)
 A sample from The Color of Contentment, my latest works:
"Don’t you realize that we’re all just a number? That the government is in complete control of everything? Don’t you ever want it all to change, or at least find some way to escape?" The words flew from my mouth like weapons from a missile, but Myranda didn’t seem to mind being the target.
I'm also starting to plan for NaNoWriMo--a little over two months away!!!
I've been babysitting every Saturday morning for the past few months. So far I love it, and it pays rather nicely. *grins* And I may be picking up another babysitting job for a family down the road with six kids from nine-ish to nine-months-ish... this should be interesting. Ahem. And Mom has been keeping me pretty busy. Hence the lack of posts.
Right now, I'm still working on a Haydn sonata in D major. And I'm currently practicing to play at a nursing home with a girl from church. She plays the saxophone. I'll be nice and not say anything more.
I think half of the blogging population has decided to order a blog design from me. And I *think* I've decided to set a fee as of October. Don't worry, it'll be pretty low cost, just enough to (hopefully) thin down the orders a bit. Once school starts, I won't have too much time anyway.
Last week I made Felicity and Elizabeth each a dress. They were my first attempts at colonial dresses, and I'm pretty thrilled with the way they turned out.

What have you been doing lately?