why is it so hard to be content?

It seems like blogging changes us. It makes us want to be someone that we're not. It makes us jealous and competitive.
When I first started blogging, it was so much fun. I wasn't worried about who I was or what my pictures looked like. And then, as I gained more followers and made more blogging friends, it became more of a competition. And it's not just me--have you looked at the blogging world lately? It seems to be a huge competition to see who can have the best design, the most followers, and the best photography skills. So many girls (myself included) are wasting too much time on the computer, wrapped up in this competition that we call blogging.
Why? Because we all want to be the best. We want to have hundreds of followers. We want to have the best blog design (and be the best designer), and we refuse to be content with what we do have.

So I challenge you. Try to be content where you're at. Quit trying to be the best. When I quit trying to be the best, I'm myself. And I have 51 wonderful followers because I am myself. No one wants to read a copycat blog.

"A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones."
--Proverbs 14:30

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